Sep 3, 2018

Week 33: Nanay na ako! (I'm a mom!)

*URL Links to scriptures and related material are enabled.

Maayong aga!

Yes I'm a mission mom a.k.a. nagbata ako (I gave birth), haha pero I'll get to that later. 

[Just passed by this cool sign!]

[Sister Quinton, my mission daughter! 💗]

Just some updates of this past week:

Monday (after e-mailing)

Zone Leaders called me and told me I would be training! I got so excited and I was almost shocked that I am training already. Pero I know there's a reason why and I know it will be an amazing experience. Sa gab-i (At night) we stayed up late because my companion had so much stuff to pack for her transfer the next day.
[Funny trashcan sign]

[Tuesday - Transfer meetup point!]


Transfer day! I took my companion to the terminal and I met up with my temporary companion, Sister Rogers! I also found out that they would add another companionship of Elders to the Ward I'm serving in and they would take part of my area. The area that's progressing the most! I was kind of surprised and didn't know what to do, pero I'm so lucky one of my STL's used to have my area, so we had exchanges and she basically toured me around my area. It was honestly such a tiring day but it was really rewarding and it makes me excited to meet so many more people in my area that are ready to hear the Gospel.
[At the STL's apartment!]

[My temporary companion, Sister Rogers!]


Let me just say that I love Sister Rogers! This day we deep cleaned and rearranged everything in my apartment to prepare for my mission daughter. 😊 It was honestly so tiring but I love the new arrangement and I couldn't have done it without Sister Rogers. 
[So cute!]


Trainers and Trainees meeting. This was one of the biggest batches ever! They were 33 total new missionaries. The meeting was like a combined zone conference kay I saw like missionaries I haven't seen in like so long! And since they hadn't seen me in so long they were surprised that my American accent is going away. They were saying stuff like |wow you're really Filipina now!| Haha, these past few months I've really struggled with the language but it makes me really happy that my hard work is paying off and that people can hear the results. 😁 Around after lunch time they revealed who we're training! I was the last to be announced of the sisters so it was nerve-wrecking. Pero amo 'na my trainee is Sister Quinton! She's so sweet and I'm excited to help her out with anything that she needs.
[First P-day together with Sister Quinton!]


Not much happened this day but it's just so crazy like speaking English most of the time, like I'm honestly struggling and my word placements are so weird haha!
[Video: Ulan]

[A cute package from my companion's parents!]

[What's in the package 😁 American products haha]


We had weekly planning and it took quite a while because we aren't really sure where to go but I'm glad nga subong we at least have an idea of how to figure out the area! 
[Sister Quinton's first district meeting!]


It was a great Sunday! It was also Fast and Testimony meeting so one of my favorite Sundays. Most of the members who bore their testimony were youth because the past week they went to a temple trip to Cebu. I love hearing their experiences and seeing how they truly believe our church is true at such a young age. 

Sorry my email is kind of short today pero not too much happened this week because there's a lot of adjusting going on! Pero I'm just so excited to be companions with Sister Quinton, she is so sweet and I love her already!

Tani maayo gid kamo tanan!

Halong kamo pirme, 

Sister Ventura

Philippines Iloilo Mission (Jan 2018 - July 2019)


Send an e-mail: 

Written letters and packages: 

Sister Elza Ventura 
Philippines Iloilo Mission 
Osmeña Street, 
Arevalo, Iloilo City, 
5000 Iloilo 

*Some names have been changed or omitted to protect the privacy of individuals.