Dec 31, 2018


*URL Links to scriptures and related material are enabled.

Maayong gabi!

Can't write too long but I'm grateful gid para sa inyo tanan (for all of you)! Who's excited para sa bago nga tuig (new year)?! 2018 literally flew by and I'm so happy my entire year was focused on my Savior and also serving Heavenly Father's children here sa Philippines!

Palangga ko kamo, be safe and eat lots!

Pictures this week:


[Members came by on Christmas to drop of food for us 😢]

[Merry Christmas from my companions to all of you!
Malipayon Paskwa!]

[Maraming salamat po sa Calditaran family! 
Mahal ko po kayo!]


[Christmas dinner!]

[Interactive lessons are the best!]

[Our investigators live right next to the beach!]

[They said there was a baguio (rain), 
pero we didn't let that stop us from going to work!]

Halong kamo pirme, 

Sister Ventura

Philippines Iloilo Mission (Jan 2018 - July 2019)


Send an e-mail: 

Written letters and packages: 

Sister Elza Ventura 
Philippines Iloilo Mission 
Osmeña Street, 
Arevalo, Iloilo City, 
5000 Iloilo 

*Some names have been changed or omitted to protect the privacy of individuals.

Dec 24, 2018

Week 48: Merry Christmas!

Note from Admin:

No weekly e-mail from Sis. Ventura this week because we were able to video call her for Christmas!

Our neighborhood experienced a power outage at the time we had planned the call. We were with no electricity for about 2 hours in total. Though we were worried about how we could communicate, all we needed was a good phone, a power bank, and some flashlights/lanterns.

She was very inspiring, funny, and full of the Spirit! Funniest thing was that after our 40-min Skype call...THE LIGHTS TURNED ON! Oh well, this turned out to be an unforgettable call.
😊 -T

This week's pictures and videos:

[Skype call with the family! Yay! 😊]

[I don't know what happened to my camera 
but this is my zone and district!]

[Rainy days can be hard! haha]

[Sister Gold's 1st Baptism!]

[Ward Christmas Party videos! The 3rd is my favorite]

[Ward Christmas Party!]

[So cute!]

[Our investigators!]

[Santa came to town!]

[Our ward Christmas party was so fun!]

Sister Ventura

Philippines Iloilo Mission (Jan 2018 - July 2019)


Send an e-mail: 

Written letters and packages: 

Sister Elza Ventura 
Philippines Iloilo Mission 
Osmeña Street, 
Arevalo, Iloilo City, 
5000 Iloilo 

Dec 17, 2018

Week 47: Nabatyagan ko kag ang spirit sang paskwa! (I really feel the Christmas Spirit)

*URL Links to scriptures and related material are enabled.

Maayong hapon pamilya kag mga abyan!

This past week was awesome! We had Christmas conference and I took a bunch of pics and vids which will all be below 😊 
[That was her first time eating Jollibee!
Love you Sis. Gonzales!]

Just one thing besides Christmas conference that I would like to share was yesterday night after Sister Gonzales had just got home from being out, there were children that were Christmas caroling and it was the cutest thing ever. We sat out for about 10 minutes just listening to them sing Christmas songs in English and Tagalog! We told them to stay where they were so that we can go in the house and get a treat for them. Pero within a few minutes they followed us to the door and they sang to us at our door. It was the cutest thing ever! But wait - it gets even better! So Sister Gonzales and I were eating and then we notice more kids caroling outside and we though it was the same kids but it's a different group of kids na. So anyways we were just eating and they call Sister Gonzales from the outside and so we head out and we just talked to them and stuff and they also sang for us. We gave them some treats and in return, they gave us bracelets! It literally made my whole day and it made Sister Gonzales and I so so so so happy. We couldn't even describe how happy we felt. It's not about the gift but it was just about how thoughtful they were and how willing they were to share!
[Christmas Carolers]

Next week is Christmas everyone kag gusto ko lang to say that Christmas definitely is more about giving than receiving. As we give with love, the recipient of our gifts will really feel the thoughtfulness - I know Sister Gonzales and I truly felt that from the girls that gave us the bracelets.
[Got a cute present from my stake back home! Thank you!]

Anyways I hope all of you enjoy eating a lot and spending time with your family! Take care always!

Philippines Iloilo Mission Christmas Conference:

Videos and Pictures

[Our zone's Christmas Conference Performance]

[More zone performances]

[We wrote our testimonies on #LightTheWorld
pass along cards and then let them go!]

[MTC and Philippines batch reunited!]


[Reunited with my previous companions Sis. Salan, 
my bata Sis. Quinton, and met my apo Sis. Winder]

[Our zone's performance and thank you Sis. Latu!]

[Sis Green previous comp! And Sis Tuilefuga my mission sister!
She's going home January 😟 Sister Reyes trained us both! 😊]

[Sisters of the zone and more Sisters from the mission]

[White elephant! And you know
it's Christmas when there's Lechon!]

Halong kamo pirme, 

Sister Ventura

Philippines Iloilo Mission (Jan 2018 - July 2019)


Send an e-mail: 

Written letters and packages: 

Sister Elza Ventura 
Philippines Iloilo Mission 
Osmeña Street, 
Arevalo, Iloilo City, 
5000 Iloilo 

*Some names have been changed or omitted to protect the privacy of individuals.