*URL Links to scriptures and related material are enabled.
Maayong aga everyone!
[Halfway point: October 24, 2018]
Yes I'm officially halfway through my mission:
Sorry but this'll be just a quick update!
Trio update:
BEST COMPANIONSHIP EVER. I love Sister Quinton and Sister Salan! I feel like we are all different but all complete each other (opa, haha)! We work hard and we help each other out and I just love them so much. We are obedient and sensitive to each others needs. We also have been doing better teaching wise because it's kind of awkward as it is to teach with one companion, but teaching with 2 other people is just interesting. But we've been doing great! Also we have a lot of fun together. We laugh alot, haha!
[Sister Quinton cooked Chop Suey for us!]
[Zone Conference with my companions]
Investigator update:
So we visited one of our investigators on Monday in the evening time and we decided now that she knows Joseph Smith is a true prophet, we decided to teach one of the commandments he restored... the Word of Wisdom. dun dun dun! Joke lang but we thought she might have a problem with it but it turns out that she doesn't AT ALL. This is the first time I've met someone like this and I'm sort of shocked but also it's such a blessing to have met her. Her faith has truly grown and I know as we testify to her she feels edified because she opens her heart to what we're saying. Just like it says in D&C 50: 21-22 -
I love those verses because that's how I feel when we teach her 😊
Also we have another investigator who has been waiting to be baptized since August but a lot of things came up and she hasn't been able to be baptized yet... BUT things have been going great with her and she's scheduled to be baptized on Saturday! Next week I'll write more in depth about her conversion story 😊
[One of our investigators scheduled to be baptized on Nov 17!]
[Our investigators baby's 1st birthday!
We got her a cake 😊]
[Book of Mormon promoter!]
[Our investigator scheduled to be baptized this Saturday!]
[These two nanay's were both on the way to the temple for their first time ever!]
[One of the Elders in our districts birthday! 🎂]
[Zone conference!]
[Photo bombing Elders haha]
[The sisters in this Zone Conference!]
[Palangga ta ka Sister Cruz!]
[On our way back after Zone Conference]
Sorry this is so short once again but I hope you enjoyed the pics and videos!😄
Halong kamo pirme,
Sister Ventura
Philippines Iloilo Mission (Jan 2018 - July 2019)
Send an e-mail:
Written letters and packages:
Sister Elza Ventura
Philippines Iloilo Mission
Osmeña Street,
Arevalo, Iloilo City,
5000 Iloilo
*Some names have been changed or omitted to protect the privacy of individuals.
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